Sunday 10 April 2016

Qualitative Focus Group Research: Mad Max Fury Road

What Was Your General Opinion Of The Film? what would you rate it ?

The results showed everyone in agreement, they all liked the film and felt it was very good. They also highly rated the film out of 10 giving figures such as; 7, 8, 9, indicating that this was one of the best films in recent times for our focus group.
The success of this film seemed to come from the overwhelming amount of action, whilst the group did also pick up on the lack of dialogue and plot line, they could still thoroughly enjoy the film in a chilled, relaxed way. Perhaps they could enjoy the film so much because they didnt have to think about it, George Millers simplicity has meant that the focus group can escape in to the film. 

What was your expectations of the film after watching the trailer?

The focus group very much liked the trailer, it was fast paced and whilst it portrayed a lot of action they thought that it didn't give too much of the actual film away. They were also in agreement with the fact that they would want to watch the film after seeing the trailer. It made them excited and enticed them which is the main aim of a trailer.
The results seem to follow on from the last question, everyone was very excited by the trailer and agreed with each other as they wanted to watch the film again. Trailers are a vital piece of marketing for the film and it seems that Warner Bros. have been able to produce something that instantly hooks its audience. Trailers in the modern day seem to either lack characters and plot or give too much away, but the focus group have been able to illustrate that this Mad Max trailer did neither which makes for a very good one. The trailer was very fast paced and whilst it did show some key scenes the cutting of the trailer made it focus all on max rather then the plot itself perhaps that was why it was so engrossing because the pace detracted away from the story and focused on the main character. 

Were you able to connect with the characters, even though there was a lack of dialogue from main characters?

The focus group exercised a displeasure in Max as he is the main character yet it didn't feel like he was. The group were unimpressed with his lack of dialogue as he grunted for most of the film, they expected more from him in order to really emotionally connect with him. Although there was some divided opinion within the group as some thought they could still clearly see his purpose and Fury road did follow his character from the previous films in the series. This allowed them to still connect and follow the character but could still share a disappointment with him.
Of course there was a lack of dialogue from Max, to which the group seemed to be split, yes they couldn't fully connect with him, but perhaps that enabled other characters such as Furiosa to have a big role in the film and take over as the heroin, to surprise many that watched the film. It seems that George Miller intended to give Max less lines as in the previous films he had lots to say which at times the audience felt was irrelevant. It seems though George Miller was not able to find the right balance, thus being the biggest downfall to the film for the group.

After looking at a review, did you agree with the critics review? Concerning the lack of plot line.

The focus group was able to give the two different opinions, yes they did think it was basic and that the action overpowered the little story. However some thought that because there was little plot it complemented the action and could enjoy a film that was easy to follow rather then really focus on small things to make up a full story.
From the results we can conclude much like the dialogue problem, the group do feel that the plot was simple, but that perhaps was fresh and felt very different in comparison to recent films, that contain such an intricate and large plot that they are hard to understand. Perhaps its why the film did so well and why it is highly rated because like the group said it was easy and could just relax while watching. Of course the film was effectively a car chase to and from the 'Citidal' Which is why the group expressed an annoyance, but this is also the very point that made the group like the film so much, the groups enjoyment stemmed from the simplicity of the film. 

After watching the 'best scene' in the film, did you think it was or was there scenes better? 

The focus group thought that whilst the scene was good and iconic, it did bring the whole story together. However there was a split opinion as some thought the scene in the sandstorm was better due to its visuals and some thought that just the opening car chase was also very good to see the size of immortan joes army and the power that he possessed.
The divided opinion certainly is good for the film, to see its audience like so many different scenes from the film but yet equally all find that each others opinion was just as good means a wide success. The group discussed scenes from beginning to end which is something extremely pleasing, as it means that the constant action carried the audience all the way through. They didnt loose their audience half way, instead they was constantly entertained which called for a good film. The sandstorm scene was very iconic in the film, whilst it was a short scene in comparison it was perhaps visually the best. The mix of long shots to show the scale of the storm with the vehicles, which was mixed with the intensifying close ups of action is why the focus group expressed this scene.

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